1. Deploy the ztncui helm chart on Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service


    To deploy the ztncui Helm chart on Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service using Pulumi, you'll need to follow these general steps:

    1. Set up a new DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS) cluster.
    2. Install the ztncui Helm chart on the DOKS cluster.

    Below is a comprehensive guide that walks you through the process using TypeScript with Pulumi.

    First, you'll need to import the necessary Pulumi libraries for DigitalOcean and Kubernetes:

    • @pulumi/digitalocean: This library allows you to work with DigitalOcean resources.
    • @pulumi/kubernetes: This library provides the ability to deploy Kubernetes resources, including Helm charts.

    You'll begin by creating a new DOKS cluster. After the cluster is set up, you'll use the Kubernetes provider to connect to it. Finally, you'll deploy the ztncui Helm chart to the cluster using its Helm chart resource.

    Here's the full program that accomplishes your goal:

    import * as digitalocean from "@pulumi/digitalocean"; import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; // Step 1: Create a new DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster const cluster = new digitalocean.KubernetesCluster("do-cluster", { region: "nyc3", version: "latest", nodePool: { name: "default", size: "s-2vcpu-2gb", nodeCount: 2 } }); // Step 2: Use the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to interact with the DOKS cluster const provider = new k8s.Provider("do-k8s", { kubeconfig: cluster.kubeConfigs[0].rawConfig }); // Step 3: Deploy the ztncui Helm chart to the DOKS cluster const ztncuiChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("ztncui", { chart: "ztncui", version: "<SPECIFY_CHART_VERSION>", // Specify the version of ztncui Helm chart you want to deploy fetchOpts:{ repo: "https://path.to/your/helm/chart/repository", // Specify the repository if it's not a public one }, }, { provider }); // Export the cluster's kubeconfig export const kubeconfig = cluster.kubeConfigs[0].rawConfig;

    Make sure to replace <SPECIFY_CHART_VERSION> with the actual version of the ztncui Helm chart you want to use, and https://path.to/your/helm/chart/repository with the repository URL hosting the ztncui Helm chart if it's not available in the default Helm chart repositories.

    In the first step, we create a Kubernetes cluster in the nyc3 region with two nodes of DigitalOcean's s-2vcpu-2gb size.

    Once we have the cluster, we instantiate a Kubernetes provider configured with the kubeconfig of the newly created cluster. It allows Pulumi to deploy Kubernetes resources to your new DOKS cluster.

    The third step is using the Helm chart resource provided by Pulumi to deploy ztncui. Here you need to specify the version of the Helm chart and, depending on where the chart is hosted, provide the repository information via fetchOpts.

    Finally, we export the kubeconfig so you can easily access your cluster with tools like kubectl. When the Pulumi deployment process is complete, you'll have a working ztncui setup on your DOKS cluster.

    Remember, to run this Pulumi program, you'll need to have Pulumi installed and configured with access to your DigitalOcean account. Save this code in a file (e.g., index.ts), and run it using pulumi up. If you're new to Pulumi, you'll also need to create a new Pulumi project and stack as described in the Pulumi documentation.