1. Deploy the zookeeper-exporter helm chart on Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service


    Before we write the Pulumi program to deploy the zookeeper-exporter Helm chart on Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service (DOKS), let me explain the steps and resources you will encounter in this process.

    To achieve your goal, you'll need to create a Kubernetes cluster on Digital Ocean using the digitalocean.KubernetesCluster resource. After the cluster is provisioned, you can deploy a Helm chart onto it using the kubernetes.helm.sh/v3.Chart resource.

    Step-by-step, the process to deploy a Helm chart on DOKS is as follows:

    1. Define a Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster resource with the necessary specifications such as the region and node size.
    2. Configure the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to use the kubeconfig from the provisioned DOKS cluster.
    3. Create a Helm Chart resource that specifies the Helm chart to deploy, zookeeper-exporter in this case.

    Here's the TypeScript program that executes the above plan:

    import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'; import * as digitalocean from '@pulumi/digitalocean'; import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'; // Step 1: Create a new Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster const cluster = new digitalocean.KubernetesCluster("do-cluster", { region: "nyc1", // Specify the region for the cluster version: "latest", // Specify the Kubernetes version nodePool: { name: "default", size: "s-2vcpu-2gb", // Specify the size of the nodes nodeCount: 2, // Specify the number of nodes }, }); // Get the kubeconfig from the Digital Ocean Kubernetes Cluster const kubeconfig = cluster.kubeConfigs[0].rawConfig; // Step 2: Set up the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to use the kubeconfig const provider = new k8s.Provider("do-k8s-provider", { kubeconfig: kubeconfig, }); // Step 3: Deploy the zookeeper-exporter Helm chart const zookeeperExporterChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("zookeeper-exporter-chart", { // Reference to a Helm repository or a local path chart: "zookeeper-exporter", // A Kubernetes namespace where the chart should be installed namespace: "default", // Helm chart version to deploy version: "0.1.2", // Values to pass to the Helm chart values: { // Chart-specific values go here }, }, { provider: provider }); // Export the Kubernetes Cluster name and the name of the Helm release export const clusterName = cluster.name; export const helmReleaseName = zookeeperExporterChart.releaseName;

    Let's break down what each part of this program does:

    • We declare a digitalocean.KubernetesCluster to create the Kubernetes cluster. The region, version, and nodePool properties define where and how the cluster will be provisioned.

    • We extract the kubeconfig from the newly created DOKS cluster, this kubeconfig will be used by Pulumi to manage resources on this cluster.

    • A Pulumi Kubernetes provider is defined to manage the Kubernetes resources. This provider uses the kubeconfig from our DO cluster.

    • The kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart resource represents the zookeeper-exporter Helm chart. The chart, version, and values properties are crucial for defining which Helm chart to deploy and how it should be configured. In this example, you would replace the placeholder values for chart and version with the actual chart name and version you wish to deploy. The namespace property specifies the Kubernetes namespace to deploy the Helm chart into.

    Above the code, we have also provided export statements for the clusterName and helmReleaseName, which will output the names of the Kubernetes cluster and the Helm release when you run the Pulumi program.

    Once this program is in place, you'd run pulumi up to provision the Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster and deploy the zookeeper-exporter Helm chart onto it.

    Keep in mind that to run this code, you need to have Pulumi installed and configured with your Digital Ocean access token, along with Helm and Kubernetes CLI tools installed locally if you want to inspect or manage the Helm deployment manually.