1. Deploy the ztncui helm chart on Rancher


    Deploying a Helm chart on a Rancher-managed Kubernetes cluster using Pulumi involves several steps. Below is a TypeScript program that guides you through the process.

    First, you need to instantiate a Rancher Kubernetes cluster or use an existing one. Then you configure the Helm chart repository and finally deploy the ztncui Helm chart. For this program, it is assumed that the Rancher cluster is already up and running, and you have access to it.

    Here's an outline of what we will do in the code:

    1. Set up the necessary imports: These are the Pulumi libraries required to interact with Rancher and deploy a Helm chart.
    2. Instantiate a Rancher Kubernetes cluster object: This is just a reference to an existing cluster managed by Rancher.
    3. Create a Catalog resource: A Catalog in Rancher is a Helm chart repository. This example assumes the ztncui chart is available in a public repository.
    4. Deploy the Helm chart: Finally, we create a Helm chart resource, which represents the ztncui Helm chart, and we deploy it to the Rancher Kubernetes cluster.

    Now we'll walk through the Pulumi TypeScript code that accomplishes this:

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as rancher2 from "@pulumi/rancher2"; import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; // Step 1: Configure Rancher provider (Assuming Rancher and the Kubernetes cluster is already configured and running) // Use the existing Rancher2 provider configuration // Ensure you're authenticated with Rancher and have access to the cluster where you want to deploy the ztncui chart const rancherProvider = new rancher2.Provider("rancherProvider", {}); // Step 2: Reference to existing cluster in Rancher // (Replace `CLUSTER_ID` with your actual Rancher Cluster ID) const cluster = rancher2.getCluster({ clusterId: "CLUSTER_ID", }, { provider: rancherProvider }); // Step 3: Create a Catalog resource for the Helm chart repository // (Replace the URL with the actual Helm repository URL that hosts the ztncui chart) const ztncuiCatalog = new rancher2.CatalogV2("ztncui-catalog", { clusterId: cluster.then(c => c.id), url: "https://example.com/ztncui-helm-repo", // URL of the Helm repo gitBranch: "main", name: "ztncui-chart-repo", }, { provider: rancherProvider }); // Step 4: Deploy the ztncui Helm chart from the catalog. // (Ensure that the name and version match those provided by the chart's repository) const ztncuiChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("ztncui", { chart: "ztncui", version: "1.0.0", // Use the correct chart version here fetchOpts: { repo: "https://example.com/ztncui-helm-repo", // Same as Catalog URL }, namespace: "default", // namespace where to deploy the chart, change accordingly // Values here are an example, change them as per your requirements values: { service: { type: "ClusterIP", }, }, }, { provider: new k8s.Provider("k8s-provider", { kubeconfig: cluster.then(c => c.kubeConfig) }) }); // Export the name of the chart export const chartName = ztncuiChart.metadata.name;

    Program Explanation:

    • Imports: The required Pulumi packages are imported, allowing us to work with Rancher and Kubernetes resources. The @pulumi/rancher2 package is used for Rancher-specific resources, and @pulumi/kubernetes is used to work with Kubernetes resources such as the Helm chart.

    • Rancher Provider: The Rancher provider is instantiated which will communicate with the Rancher API. It is assumed that you have the Rancher provider configured with the necessary credentials.

    • Cluster Reference: You must provide the ID of your Rancher-managed Kubernetes cluster. This is not creating a new cluster; it's a reference to an already provisioned one.

    • CatalogV2: A Catalog resource is created to add the repository that contains the ztncui Helm chart to Rancher.

    • Helm Chart: Finally, the ztncui Helm chart is deployed. This step uses the @pulumi/kubernetes package to create a Helm chart resource from the catalog created in the last step. Replace the chart and version properties with the appropriate values for the ztncui chart you want to deploy. The namespace is where the resources defined by the Helm chart will be created; you can set it according to your needs.

    • Chart Name Export: The chartName export is simply to output the metadata name of the deployed chart, giving you a reference to it once it's deployed.

    After deploying this Pulumi program, you'd have the ztncui Helm chart deployed on your Rancher-managed Kubernetes cluster. Remember to replace placeholder strings like CLUSTER_ID and the Helm repository URL with real values from your environment.