1. Deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy helm chart on Kubernetes


    To deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart on a Kubernetes cluster using Pulumi, you will need to use the Chart resource from the Pulumi Kubernetes provider. This resource allows you to deploy Helm charts into a Kubernetes cluster. As prerequisites, you must have a Kubernetes cluster running and kubectl configured to communicate with the cluster.

    Below is a Pulumi program written in TypeScript that demonstrates how to deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart. The program assumes that your Kubernetes cluster is already configured and that the kubeconfig file is in place to authenticate with the cluster.

    Firstly, you need to install the required Pulumi packages by running the following commands:

    pulumi plugin install resource kubernetes 4.4.0 npm install @pulumi/kubernetes

    Here's a detailed Pulumi program in TypeScript which will deploy the Helm chart:

    import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'; // Create an instance of the Pulumi Kubernetes provider, which uses the Kubernetes configuration from the user's local machine. const provider = new k8s.Provider('k8s-provider', {}); // Deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart. // You must specify the chart version that is compatible with your Helm and Kubernetes setup. const zipkinProxyChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart('zipkin-proxy', { chart: 'zipkin-stackdriver-proxy', // In case your Helm chart is from a custom Helm repository, you must specify the `repo` property as well. // repo: 'https://helm-repository-url/', // version: 'chart-version', // Specify the chart version if needed values: { // Your chart values go here, for example: // image: { // repository: 'gcr.io/zipkin-gcp/zipkin-stackdriver-proxy', // tag: 'latest' // }, // service: { // type: 'ClusterIP' // }, }, // If you have a specific namespace where you want to deploy the chart, specify it here // namespace: 'zipkin', }, { provider }); // Export the Chart name of the deployed instance export const chartName = zipkinProxyChart.chart;

    What does this program do?

    1. It imports the Kubernetes package from Pulumi, allowing for Kubernetes resources management.

    2. Creates an instance of the Kubernetes provider, which will use the configuration from the user's local kubeconfig to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.

    3. Defines a Helm chart resource named zipkin-proxy using the k8s.helm.v3.Chart class.

    4. Specifies the chart's name as zipkin-stackdriver-proxy. If this chart were hosted in a custom Helm repository, you would also need to supply the repo URL.

    5. You can customize the deployment by providing values to the values property. For instance, you can specify the image repository and tag, and change the service type. The values used here should match the ones expected by the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart.

    6. (Optional) If you want to deploy to a specific namespace, you can set the namespace property. Otherwise, the Helm chart will be installed in the default namespace.

    7. Finally, the program exports the name of the chart as chartName, which you can use to get the status of the Helm release after deployment.

    Remember to replace the placeholders for the repository, chart version, and other configurations with the correct values for the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart.

    After writing your program, deploy it using the following Pulumi CLI command:

    pulumi up

    This command creates or updates resources according to the Pulumi program you've written. It will show you a preview of the changes and prompt for confirmation before making any changes to your cloud resources.