1. Deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy helm chart on Azure Managed Openshift Service


    To deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart on Azure Managed OpenShift Service using Pulumi, you'll need to set up a few things. Here's a breakdown of the steps we'll take in the Pulumi program:

    1. Create an Azure Managed OpenShift Cluster: We will define a Managed OpenShift cluster in Azure using the Pulumi azure-native provider.
    2. Configure Kubernetes for Pulumi: This step sets up the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to point to the newly created OpenShift cluster, allowing us to interact with it.
    3. Deploy the Helm Chart: Using Pulumi Kubernetes provider, we will deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart to the Azure Managed OpenShift Service.

    Below you'll find a Pulumi program written in TypeScript that performs these steps. Remember, before running this code, you will need to have Pulumi installed, configured for TypeScript, and authenticated with Azure. You can run this program by saving it to a file (e.g. index.ts), initializing a Pulumi project with pulumi new azure-typescript, and running pulumi up.

    import * as azureNative from "@pulumi/azure-native"; import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as kubernetes from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; // Step 1: Create an Azure Managed OpenShift Cluster const managedCluster = new azureNative.containerservice.OpenShiftManagedCluster("myOpenShiftManagedCluster", { // Be sure to replace these with actual values or Pulumi configuration. resourceGroupName: "<your-resource-group-name>", location: "eastus", openShiftVersion: "4.3", // Choose a supported version. // Define the properties for the master and agent pools. masterPoolProfile: { name: "master", count: 3, vmSize: "Standard_D4s_v3", }, agentPoolProfiles: [{ name: "default", role: "compute", count: 3, vmSize: "Standard_D4s_v3", }], }); // Step 2: Configure Kubernetes provider for Pulumi const creds = pulumi.output(azureNative.containerservice.listOpenShiftManagedClusterAdminCredentials({ resourceGroupName: "<your-resource-group-name>", resourceName: managedCluster.name, })); const k8sProvider = new kubernetes.Provider("k8sProvider", { kubeconfig: creds.kubeconfig.apply(kc => kc.join("")), }); // Step 3: Deploy the Helm chart const zipkinStackdriverProxyChart = new kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart("zipkin-stackdriver-proxy-chart", { chart: "zipkin-stackdriver-proxy", version: "1.0.0", // Specify the version of the chart you want to deploy. fetchOpts: { repo: "http://your-helm-chart-repository/", // Specify the Helm chart repository URL. }, }, { provider: k8sProvider }); // Export the cluster's kubeconfig. export const kubeconfig = creds.kubeconfig;


    • We start by importing the required Pulumi packages for Azure and Kubernetes. Ensure you have these installed by running npm install @pulumi/azure-native @pulumi/pulumi @pulumi/kubernetes.

    • We define an OpenShift Managed Cluster using azureNative.containerservice.OpenShiftManagedCluster, specifying the necessary parameters like resourceGroupName, location, and openShiftVersion. You will need to replace "<your-resource-group-name>" with the name of a resource group you have created in Azure.

    • We retrieve the administrator credentials for the OpenShift cluster using listOpenShiftManagedClusterAdminCredentials. These credentials are needed to interact with the Kubernetes API on the newly created cluster.

    • We create a Pulumi Kubernetes provider that connects to the OpenShift cluster using the kubeconfig provided by Azure.

    • We deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart on our OpenShift cluster. Note that you should specify the chart's name, version, and repository URL accordingly. Replace "<your-helm-chart-repository/>" with the actual repository URL where the Helm chart is stored.

    • Finally, we export the kubeconfig of the OpenShift cluster so you can interact with it using kubectl or other Kubernetes tools outside of Pulumi.

    After running this Pulumi program with pulumi up, it will set up the Azure Managed OpenShift Cluster and deploy the zipkin-stackdriver-proxy Helm chart to the cluster. If you wish to see the output kubeconfig, you can use the Pulumi CLI command pulumi stack output kubeconfig to get it after the deployment is complete.